Adventure Story Wiki


The Daiseye is an Enemy found in Mellow Meadows along with it's counterpart, the Lileye. This enemy shoots a pea from it's eye to get you to battle with it which gives you one damage or you can dodge all of them and just touch the enemy. Daiseye's can spawn with or without its counterpart Lileye. Corrupt versions of these enemies can spawn too.


  • Poison Spray - Sprays poison at all players in the match dealing 1 damage and giving poison for 3 turns.
  • Seedshot - Shoots a pea at the target for 3 damage.


A simple excellent of a Fiery Explosion will take out all Daiseye's. If there is a Lileye in the battle as well use a non SP attack to finish it off.


  • Since it is a creature and not a humanoid, you cannot get cents from it nor can you steal from them.